Mathematical literacy is important to a teenager's education for several reasons.

First, mathematics is a fundamental part of education, and is present in many disciplines, such as science, engineering, finance and technology.

Therefore, understanding mathematics is crucial for success in many career fields and for understanding the world around us. In addition, math can also help a teenager develop problem-solving, logic, and reasoning skills. These skills are useful not only in professional fields, but also in everyday life. Mathematics can also help a teenager become more organized and better at managing time and responsibilities.

Finally, mathematical literacy can also help a teenager develop self-confidence and perseverance. Math can be difficult to understand and master, and this can sometimes lead to frustration and failure. However, the effort and perseverance required to overcome these obstacles can build a teenager's self-confidence and help them become more persistent in other areas of their lives. In sum, mathematical literacy is important to a teenager's education for its contribution to understanding many career fields and for developing problem-solving, logic, and reasoning skills. It can also help a teenager develop self-confidence and perseverance.

These interactive digital resources are optimized for classroom whiteboards and online learning. Students can write in the notebook and the teacher can correct them online. All of this is compatible with computers, tablets and cell phones.

Manuel de mathématiques | CM2 | Étape 3 | Niveau 2 couverture
Digital notebook with mathematical functions
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Présentation de la démarche

Le manuel est structuré selon les quatre activités du domaine mathématiques :

  1. activités géométriques
  2. activités numériques
  3. activités de mesure
  4. résolution de problèmes
Manuel de mathématiques | 6e couverture
Digital notebook with mathematical functions
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En élaborant ce manuel de mathématiques de la classe de 6eme, les auteurs n'avaient qu'une ambition : produire un outil efficace qui pourra t'accompagner dans ton engagement vers la réussite en mathématiques quel que soit ton niveau actuel ; et pour cela, rien n'a été négligé pour te permettre de :

  •  donner du sens à tes apprentissages ;
  •  apprendre à utiliser tes connaissances dans diverses situations ;
  •  établir des liens entre les différentes notions apprises ;
  •  cultiver l'autonomie, c'est-à-dire la capacité d'apprendre par toi-même.


Manuel de mathématiques | 5e couverture
Digital notebook with mathematical functions
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Manuel de mathématiques | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital notebook with mathematical functions
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The 4e mathematics textbook from Didactikos is designed to help students succeed in mathematics through regular and methodical work. It includes theme-classified exercises to help students understand their learning, use their knowledge, establish links between concepts, and cultivate autonomy. It is intended for students in Senegal and uses their knowledge of biology, physics, and geography. The interactive digital resources are optimized for online learning and whiteboards in class.

Manuel de mathématiques | 3e couverture didactikos
Digital notebook with mathematical functions
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The 3rd grade mathematics manual from Didactikos Editions is a comprehensive learning tool, meticulously crafted by education professionals. It covers essential numerical and geometric topics, fostering a solid understanding of mathematics. Each lesson includes clear objectives, discovery activities, definitions, corrected examples, and exercises of varying difficulty.

The manual's pedagogical approach encourages student autonomy, making it an invaluable resource for success in mathematics, regardless of the student's current level. It is also optimized for classroom whiteboards and online learning.