Culture and Symbolic Productions: An Essential Component of the Quebec Culture and Citizenship Program

As part of the Quebec Culture and Citizenship program for Grade 10, we are pleased to present the "Culture and Symbolic Productions" component, a key element of education for conscious and informed citizenship. This component offers students a unique opportunity to delve into the heart of cultural diversities and their symbolic manifestations, thereby enriching their understanding of the world and its countless perspectives.


Discovery and Reflection through SAÉ

Structured around four autonomous and innovative Learning and Evaluation Situations (SAÉ), this component promises a dynamic and interactive pedagogical approach. Each SAÉ, designed to operate in a hybrid mode, allows for optimal flexibility, adapting to a digital or traditional environment according to the needs and preferences of each class. Access to resources is facilitated by downloading documents or using them online, thus offering a variety of means to explore the program's rich and diverse content.


Customized Pedagogical Support

The teacher's guide, carefully developed, aims to guide the course of the classes while providing enriching reflection pathways for the teacher. This valuable tool is complemented by a range of didactic resources: podcasts, statistics, interviews, texts, glossaries, bibliographies, and media lists, all designed to deepen and broaden the students' learning horizons.


Dokoma's Exclusive Tools: A Pedagogical Revolution

Dokoma is committed to enriching the educational experience with exclusive and innovative tools. Before and after each SAÉ, surveys are available to measure the interest and engagement of the students, allowing for a detailed analysis of the learning progression. Dokoma's digital tools encourage the creation of lively and constructive debates in class, thanks to online voting systems and interactive whiteboards. The Dialogue tool, meanwhile, invites students to participate in a national-scale activity, highlighting the importance of their voice in the collective discourse.


Invitation to Explore

We warmly invite teachers to discover the four SAÉs of the "Culture and Symbolic Productions" component and to integrate this leading-edge pedagogical material into their curriculum. This is an unparalleled opportunity to inspire your students, to stimulate their intellectual curiosity, and to engage them in deep reflection on cultures and their symbolic expressions. Together, let's shape informed, sensitive, and thoughtful world citizens.

Dive into the educational adventure of the Quebec Culture and Citizenship program and let yourself be guided by the richness of "Culture and Symbolic Productions". Your teaching will be all the more lively, relevant, and impactful.

Digital Package
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Dokoma Editions launches "Cultural Exploration: In Search of Quebec Identity" for Grade 10, a dynamic LES from the Quebec Culture and Citizenship program.

Focused on culture, material and immaterial culture, as well as religious culture, this LES engages students in deep reflection on Quebec identity through various tasks, including exploring religious heritage and the impact of the Quiet Revolution. Promoting living together and cooperation, it aims to deepen students' understanding of Quebec's cultural heritage and its evolution.

Digital Package
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Discover "Classic or Alternative Culture?", the digital LES that awakens the curiosity of Secondary 4 students about the fluid boundaries of culture.

By analyzing works, artists, and the impact of subcultures, this resource enriches the debate on what constitutes our cultural heritage. Ideal for encouraging critical thinking and celebrating cultural diversity, it is a valuable tool for preparing young Quebecers to become global citizens, aware and appreciative of the cultural richness surrounding them.

Digital Package
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"A Book Club Like No Other" is an LES from the Quebec Culture and Citizenship program for Secondary 4, developed by Dokoma Editions.

This unique educational approach invites students to explore Indigenous cultures, question stereotypes, and deepen their understanding through the analysis of works, discussions, and a book club. An enriching way to promote cooperation, critical thinking, and appreciation of cultural diversity within Indigenous communities in Quebec.

Digital Package
Contains a freebie
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"Advertising and Society: Decoding Quebec Advertisements" is a key LES for Secondary 4 students, enriching their understanding of the cultural and social impacts of advertisements.

Through critical and historical analyses, this LES explores advertising techniques, cultural representations, and the evolution of advertising, allowing students to develop critical judgment towards media messages and become informed consumers and responsible citizens.