Life and Earth Sciences are important subjects for understanding our world and our place as human beings.

The Didactikos Life and Earth Sciences textbook is filled with theory and knowledge that may be difficult to understand, but is essential to our learning. Each chapter of the textbook includes a starting situation that provides the necessary context for understanding the problems or activities presented. These problems or activities have intended objectives that enable students to understand the key concepts presented in the chapter. The textbook also includes a variety of materials, such as diagrams, photos, and graphs, that help illustrate the concepts presented. The activities in the textbook allow students to practice what they have learned, while the glossary includes key terms to help students understand the concepts presented in the textbook. The overview or summary of each chapter provides answers to the problems or activities presented, while the "Learn More" section offers additional information for students who wish to expand their knowledge. The textbook also includes exercises grouped under two different headings: mastery of knowledge and methodological skills.

These exercises allow students to test their knowledge and develop their problem-solving skills. In short, the Life and Earth Sciences textbook is a valuable tool to help students understand the key concepts of Life and Earth Sciences and develop their problem-solving skills.

These interactive digital resources from Didactikos Publishing are optimized for classroom whiteboards and online learning. Students can write in the notebook and the teacher can correct them online. All of this is compatible with computers, tablets and cell phones.

Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre | 6e | couverture
Digital Workbooks
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Chaque chapitre comprend :

  •  une situation de départ ;
  • un ou des problèmes à résoudre ;
  • un ou plusieurs objectifs visés par chaque activité ;
  • des documents variés ;
  • des activités ;
  • un lexique ;
  • un bilan global ou résumé qui apporte les réponses au(x) problème(s) à résoudre ; çe une rubrique "Pour en savoir plus" ;
  • des exercices réunis sous deux rubriques différentes :
    • maîtrise des connaissances ;
    • compétences méthodologiques.
Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre | 5e couverture
Digital Workbooks
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Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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The 4e Science and Technology textbook from Didactikos Editions is the best on the Senegalese market because it covers key concepts in the discipline, includes activities to reinforce methodological skills, and is in line with the official curriculum. It is divided into two parts - Life Sciences and Earth Sciences - and includes exercises to develop the basic skills of students. It is also accompanied by interactive digital resources optimized for online and in-class learning.

Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre | 3e couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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