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La Boîte Dokoma


Presale | delivery for the start of the 2022/23 school year

Dokoma offers you the first solution that allows you to teach with digital tools without having to connect to the Internet network.

Imagine you could

  • Ask your students to do their exercises online without you having to worry about the school wifi blocking
  • Teach at the park and enjoy the good weather with your students without consuming your cellular data
  • Block access to social networks or other sites during computer workshops
  • Not be dependent on breakdowns or an overly secure computer network


The Dokoma Box is a portable web server that allows more than 100 students to connect at the same time to the resources that the teacher wishes to share.

  • Digital booklets
  • Video
  • Audio
  • HTML Animations
  • Books
  • Online questions and exams


How it works

Before Teching

  1. One or more teachers are registered in a Dokoma Box
  2. Creating Reading Lists | Schedules or online exams/exercises in the Dokoma teacher account
    • Select resources
    • Select groups/classes and students
  3. Sync the content in the Dokoma Box by connecting it to an Internet network
  4. Wait a few seconds for confirmation message
  5. Unplug everything

When You Are Ready to Teach

  1. Plug the Dokoma Box to a source of electric power
    • Wallmount or battery
  2. A Dokoma Wifi network is issued by the Dokoma Box
  3. You and your students can connect and have access to selected resources
  4. Teach online without Internet connection
  5. To sync your answers, interactions or to change resources, connect the Dokoma Box to the network
    • Everything is automated. The Box connects itself to the Dokoma server and synchronises all the informations.


  • Format: La Boîte Dokoma
  • Dokoma Editions