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Debates for the CCQ

Classroom Debates | French Only

By teacher
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Dive into Relationships and Kindness with an Online Debate Tool

The CCQ program’s Dokoma debates now feature an online platform tailored specifically for teachers. This tool simplifies the creation, organization, and facilitation of debates while promoting active listening and mutual respect. In the context of “Relationships and Kindness” for Grade 10, you can guide students to think critically about essential questions like:

  • “Having sexual relations just to be ‘cool’—what does that imply?”
  • “Should we show empathy toward those more privileged and wealthy than us?”
  • “Is an online insult different from one stated in person?”
  • “Is it wrong for a vegan person to refuse a dish containing meat?”

Using this online platform, you can better manage speaking times, assign specific roles (moderator, observer, etc.), and gather students’ ideas even outside classroom hours. Learners gain access to a secure virtual space where they can express their views and explore a variety of perspectives. Whether by projecting the discussion on your interactive whiteboard or inviting each student to log in from a personal device, you encourage engagement, foster collaboration, and enable constructive feedback after each session.

Focusing on kindness within these debates helps students build empathy, understand the weight of their words, and recognize the impact that personal attitudes can have on interpersonal relationships.

  • Format: Debates for the CCQ
  • Dokoma Editions
  • Culture et citoyenneté québécoise
  • Secondary 4