The 4th year of high school is a crucial step in the education of a teenager. This is the time when students start to prepare for entry into high school and focus on subjects that interest them the most.

In 4th year of high school, students are typically aged 13 to 14 and have reached a stage of development where they can understand and use more complex concepts. This year is therefore crucial for reinforcing foundations in mathematics, science, literature, and history.

The resources created by Didactikos Publishers perfectly meet the needs of teachers and students in 4th year of high school. Their mathematical activity books, for example, offer engaging and educational exercises that can be used in class or at home to strengthen students' knowledge of mathematics.

In addition, the 4th year of high school is also an opportunity for students to begin exploring more specialized subjects and discover subjects that they are passionate about. This will give them a better idea of what they would like to pursue in high school and beyond.

In summary, the 4th year of high school is a crucial year in the education of a teenager. It is an opportunity for students to reinforce their academic foundations and begin exploring subjects that interest them the most. The resources created by Didactikos Publishers are an excellent complement to help students achieve their goals.

These interactive digital resources are optimized for use on whiteboards in the classroom and online learning. Students can write in the notebook and the teacher can correct it online.

It is all compatible with computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

Manuel de mathématiques | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital notebook with mathematical functions
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The 4e mathematics textbook from Didactikos is designed to help students succeed in mathematics through regular and methodical work. It includes theme-classified exercises to help students understand their learning, use their knowledge, establish links between concepts, and cultivate autonomy. It is intended for students in Senegal and uses their knowledge of biology, physics, and geography. The interactive digital resources are optimized for online learning and whiteboards in class.

Cahier d'activités mathématiques | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital notebook with mathematical functions
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The Mathematical Activity Book from Didactikos Publishers is a valuable tool for 4th grade students.

It includes both numerical and geometry activities that are designed to be engaging and fun while being educational. The numerical activities include mental math and problem-solving exercises, while the geometry activities focus on understanding different shapes and measurements.

Manuel de français | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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The French notebook from Didactikos Publishers is the best resource available for teachers and students in 4th grade of middle school. This notebook offers a variety of activities designed to help students improve their understanding and expression in French.

Students can read and produce descriptive texts, narrative texts, poems, arguments, and social writings. Each activity is clearly explained and accompanied by examples to help students understand what is expected of them.

Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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The 4e Science and Technology textbook from Didactikos Editions is the best on the Senegalese market because it covers key concepts in the discipline, includes activities to reinforce methodological skills, and is in line with the official curriculum. It is divided into two parts - Life Sciences and Earth Sciences - and includes exercises to develop the basic skills of students. It is also accompanied by interactive digital resources optimized for online and in-class learning.

Cahier d'activités | Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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The SVT activity book from Didactikos Editions is an excellent tool for reinforcing and validating students' knowledge through a wide variety of activities, research and productions. It offers a spiral progression from the simplest to the most complex and includes a review section, an investigation section, and an application exercises section for each chapter of the program.

Sciences physiques | 4e Physique | Chimie couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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Ce cahier d’activités de l’élève accompagne le manuel de Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre 6e


Cahier d'activités | Sciences physiques | 4e Physique | Chimiecouverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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Ce cahier d’activités de l’élève accompagne le manuel de Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre 6e