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Digital Package

SAÉ | The Firefighter | French Only


"The Firefighter" is an engaging SAE from the Solange Explains collection, designed for students in the 2nd cycle of primary school. This educational resource delves deep into themes of identity, gender roles, and social norms. Through the video testimony of a woman working in a traditionally male profession, students are invited to question gender stereotypes.


Interactive activities like "Games at School: Do You Like Playing with Dolls and Hockey?" encourage children to explore their personal preferences without worrying about social expectations. They are prompted to list activities they enjoy with friends and those they like but keep hidden. By discovering the evolution of their tastes, they develop a better understanding of themselves.


Finally, by choosing a profession and identifying the characteristics that might prevent a man or a woman from doing it, students reflect on limiting social norms. This educational tool is essential for promoting gender equality and deconstructing stereotypes from an early age.

  • Format: Digital Package
  • Dokoma Editions
  • Sex Education
Niveaux scolaires
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4