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Reference document

Systematic Spanish


SYSTEMATIC SPANISH is a reference book designed for learning Spanish as a second language. It offers English learners a complete guide to Spanish grammar rules and concepts to be used and kept on hand as a practical reference for years to come.

SYSTEMATIC SPANISH is a resource designed to help students learning Spanish in an organized way. The structure of the book allows an easy navigation. Each section relating to a different element of Spanish grammar is colour-coded, with the coding explained in a chart on the back cover.

Each section also has a different page width, with section titles written on the vertical sides of the pages, allowing users to easily flip from one section to another without having to check a table of contents.


  • Spanish as a second or additional language
  • For beginner or intermediate learner
  • The essential of the Spanish grammar explained in English
  • 23 pages with colour-coded sections: pronunciación y acentuación, determinativos, género y nombre, preposiciones, construcción de frases y expresiones idiomáticas, verbos.
  • Light, thin and portable
  • More than 600 concrete examples to enhance comprehension and communication skills

Includes all answer keys (for teachers and parents). Many types of licences available.

 The prices are decreasing according to the number of credits purchased.

  • Format: Reference document
  • Les Éditions Shakespeare
  • Spanish
Grammar | SYSTEMATIC SPANISH | English - Spanish
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lL portada del libro
Acentuación y pronunciacíon | página 2
Género y número | página 3
Los artículos | Determinativos posesivos | página 4
Determinativos | página 5
Algunas preposiciones principales | página 6
Preposiciones | página 7
Los pronombres personales, posesivos y demostrativos | página 8
Construcción de frases : pronombres y palabras interrogativas | página 9
Gradación del adjetivo | página 10