Francophone literary culture is important to a student for several reasons.

First, the study of Francophone literature allows a student to appreciate the works of great Francophone writers and to understand their contribution to culture and history. It can also help the student gain a better understanding of different Francophone cultures and traditions, which is helpful in developing an open mind and a global understanding of the world. In addition, the study of Francophone literature can also improve the student's language skills. Reading French-language literature can help build vocabulary and improve a student's grammar and syntax. It can also improve oral and written comprehension and expression in French, which can be beneficial for students who wish to use French in a professional or academic context. Finally, Francophone literary culture can also be a way to escape and be entertained.

Literature can provide a welcome break from the daily routine of school and can provide inspiration for the student. Reading literary works can also help students develop their imagination and creativity, which can be beneficial to their personal and intellectual growth. In sum, Francophone literary culture is important to a student for its contribution to cultural and historical appreciation, for language skills improvement, and for personal and intellectual development.


These interactive digital resources are optimized for classroom whiteboards and online learning. Students can write in the notebook and the teacher can correct them online. All of this is compatible with computers, tablets and cell phones.

Manuel de français | 6e couverture
Digital Workbooks
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Manuel de français | 5e couverture
Digital Workbooks
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The French textbook for grade 5 published by Éditions Didactikos aims to adapt to the new practices taught in French classes by conforming to the official curriculum.

Manuel de français | 4e couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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The French notebook from Didactikos Publishers is the best resource available for teachers and students in 4th grade of middle school. This notebook offers a variety of activities designed to help students improve their understanding and expression in French.

Students can read and produce descriptive texts, narrative texts, poems, arguments, and social writings. Each activity is clearly explained and accompanied by examples to help students understand what is expected of them.

Manuel de français | 3e couverture didactikos
Digital Workbooks
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