- Student's digital workbookMathematics | secondary 4 | all workbooksStarting from CA$4.95
- Student's digital workbookChapitre 1 | Relations dans le triangleStarting from CA$2.40
- Student's digital workbookChapitre 2 | Analytic GeometryStarting from CA$2.40
- Student's digital workbookChapitre 3 | FunctionsStarting from CA$2.40
- Student's digital workbookChapter 4 | Systems of equations and inequalities in two variablesStarting from CA$2.40
- Student's digital workbookChapter 5 | Isometric and equivalent figuresStarting from CA$2.40
- Student's digital workbookChapitres 6 et 7 | Probabilities and StatisticsStarting from CA$2.40
The Tardivel Collection offers you an approach allowing students to develop the knowledge and skills of the Quebec Education Program.
Learning notebooks
This individualized method allows for a differentiated approach that respects the pace of students who are experiencing learning difficulties or who are evolving in a particular path.
Disciplinary skills
This material was designed by a team of teachers who know, thanks to their experience, the needs of this clientele. The La Collection Tardivel team dares to hope that this book will meet your expectations.
These interactive digital resources feature a math keyboard and are optimized for classroom whiteboards and e-learning.

Pour les enseignants
Avec ces ressources, vous pouvez créer des séquences d'apprentissage et les attribuer à vos élèves. Ces ressources numériques interactives disposent d'un clavier mathématique et sont optimisées pour les tableaux blancs en classe et l'apprentissage en ligne.
- Marche à suivre au début du cahier
- Basé sur le programme de formation de l'école québécoise
- L'élève au centre de son apprentissage

This workbook contains 1 chapter
- Chapter 1: Relations in triangle

Ce cahier contient 1 chapitre
- Chapitre 1: Géométrie analytique

This workbook contains 1 chapter
- Chapter 3: Functions

Ce cahier contient 1 chapitre
- Chapitre 4: Systèmes d’équations et d’inéquations à deux variables

This workbook contains 1 chapter
- Chapter 5: Isometric and equivalent figures

This workbook contains 2 chapters
- Chapter 6: Probabilities
- Chapter 7: Statistics