The "Relationships and Caring" theme of the Quebec Culture and Citizenship (CCQ) program for Secondary 4 offers students an in-depth exploration of relational dynamics and the importance of caring in modern society. Topics include sexual desires and pleasures, such as fantasies and phases of sexual response, while emphasizing self-respect.
Students will study the differentiated norms between girls and boys, analyzing how these influence behaviors and social expectations. Violence in intimate relationships will also be examined to raise awareness of warning signs and prevention measures.
The concept of care will be introduced to encourage altruism, empathy, and compassion. Environmentalism, particularly the protection of biodiversity and animals, will help develop environmental consciousness.
The theme will address cyberbullying and issues related to private and public life on the Internet, including anonymity. Finally, students will discuss online seduction, covering topics like sexting, to promote responsible and safe online behaviors.
This theme aims to develop strong relational skills, an understanding of current social issues, and a caring attitude toward themselves and others.

Invite your students to deeply reflect on the issues covered in the Relationships and Kindness theme of the Culture and Citizenship in Québec program through engaging writing exercises.