It is often said that today's students make many mistakes when writing in French.
But is it really their fault?
Aren't they simply the victims of an educational system that struggles to find its way in teaching the French language? Yet, writing French well is not as complicated as it seems.
Don't be mistaken, dear readers, it is never too late to write French well. You just need to find the right educational tools to learn and improve. And indeed, the collection "La phrase dans son environnement" from Éditions de l'Artichaut is here to show you that learning French can be both simple and effective.
Let's stop blaming students for their mistakes and start helping them understand the subtleties of the French language. After all, we all know that French is a language full of traps and mysteries. But with a touch of irony, isn't that what makes it so beautiful and exciting?
With the activities offered in "La phrase dans son environnement," students will be able to analyze a sentence by identifying the different groups that make it up. Thanks to strategies based on syntactic manipulations, they will be able to determine the functions of these groups and their importance in the sentence, while recognizing the grammatical class of each word. Thus, in the blink of an eye, French will no longer hold any secrets for them.
By using "La phrase dans son environnement" for grammatical analysis of text, students will discover a tool that promotes learning the grammatical code and text revision. They will equip themselves with practical means to learn to write correctly and take up the challenge of becoming proficient in written French. And who knows, maybe they will even get caught up in the game and become true lovers of the French language.
So, let's not wait any longer and adopt "La phrase dans son environnement" to help today's students become the talented writers of tomorrow. After all, writing French well isn't so difficult, is it?

As one uses "La phrase dans son environnement" through the grammatical analysis of the text, they will discover a tool that promotes, by reconciling them, two essential learnings: that of the grammatical code and that of text revision. Practical methods will be acquired for learning to write correctly and rising to the challenge of becoming proficient in written French.
Discover the digital workbook "La phrase dans son environnement" by Éditions de l'Artichaut, an innovative educational tool for mastering the French language and avoiding mistakes. With various activities, a personalized approach, and an integrated corrector, provide students with an effective and fulfilling learning experience.
Tiered pricing available.

À travers les activités proposées dans cet outil pédagogique, on apprendra comment analyser une phrase en identifiant les différents groupes qui la constituent. Grâce aux stratégies qui consistent à utiliser les manipulations syntaxiques, on sera en mesure de déterminer les fonctions de ces groupes et leur importance dans la phrase et on deviendra apte à reconnaître la classe à laquelle appartient chaque mot contenu dans un groupe.
À mesure qu’on utilise La phrase dans son environnement par l’analyse grammaticale du texte, on découvrira un outil qui favorise, en les conciliant, deux apprentissages indispensables : celui du code grammatical et celui de la révision de texte. On se dotera de moyens pratiques pour apprendre à écrire correctement et à relever le défi de devenir compétent en français écrit.