Stairway to English Workbook 2, Secondary 4 from the Tardivel collection is an excellent teaching tool for students who wish to deepen their English language skills while discovering the incredible African continent.
This workbook, divided into three units, offers interactive online exercises that facilitate learning while stimulating students' interest in Africa's cultural, historical, and geographical richness.
Unit 4, titled "Amazing Africa: Reinvesting the Understanding of Texts", focuses on developing reading and text comprehension skills in English. Students will listen, read, and/or view texts on various aspects of Africa. They will learn to construct the meaning of the text and represent their understanding of it. Topics covered include geography, history, natural resources, personalities, peoples, and the animal world.
In Unit 5, "Amazing Africa: Writing and Producing Texts", students develop their writing and text production skills in English. They are encouraged to use a personalized response and production process and build a personal inventory of writing and production resources. The online exercises in this unit allow students to write texts on various Africa-related topics, drawing on the knowledge gained in the previous unit.
Finally, Unit 6, "Amazing Africa: Interacting Orally", aims to improve students' oral skills in English. The online exercises in this unit will help them initiate, respond, maintain, and conclude oral interactions in English. They will also learn to construct the meaning of the message and expand their personal language repertoire. Students will be able to discuss various aspects of Africa based on the knowledge acquired in previous units.
The "Amazing Africa" theme provides a stimulating and engaging framework for learning English. Students discover the many facets of the African continent, covering topics such as geography, history, natural resources, personalities, peoples, the animal world, and many more. The online exercises in Stairway to English Workbook 2, Secondary 4 allow students to explore this diversity while strengthening their English language skills.
In conclusion, Stairway to English Workbook 2, Secondary 4 from the Tardivel collection, is a valuable teaching tool for students who wish to deepen their English skills while immersing themselves in Africa's cultural and historical richness. The online exercises, divided into three thematic units, offer an interactive and stimulating approach to learning English. Students are encouraged to develop reading, writing, and oral interaction skills while discovering and discussing various aspects of the African continent.
Teachers can also take advantage of this resource to design engaging and interesting lessons, using the online exercises as a basis for group discussions, research projects, or oral presentations. The Tardivel collection, with its "Amazing Africa" theme, offers a unique opportunity for students to enrich their world knowledge while improving their English skills.
Stairway to English Workbook 2, Secondary 4 is therefore an excellent choice for students and teachers looking to explore the fascinating world of Africa while deepening their English language skills. Thanks to a combination of online exercises and rich thematic content, this educational resource offers a captivating and enriching learning experience for all.
Incorporating a diverse range of engaging topics, Stairway to English Workbook 2, Secondary 4 allows students to delve into various aspects of African life and culture. The interactive exercises not only help them build their language skills but also broaden their understanding of the world.
By using Stairway to English Workbook 2, Secondary 4, students are provided with a comprehensive and immersive learning experience that promotes both language development and a deeper understanding of Africa. This invaluable resource is a must-have for students and educators looking to combine English language learning with an exploration of the intriguing and diverse African continent.
- Format: Online Exercises
- La collection Tardivel
- Isabelle Garneau
- English
- Seconde