Abraham Gbogbou
Abraham Gbogbou is a writer and researcher originally from Ziki-Diés, located in the sub-prefecture of Divo in Ivory Coast. After completing his primary education in his native village, he continues his secondary studies at Collège Moderne Divo and Lycée Moderne de Tiassalé. He successfully obtains his Brevet d'Études du Premier Cycle and then his baccalaureate.
Abraham Gbogbou then enters the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, where he studies Modern Letters. After obtaining his research master's degree, he pursues his doctoral studies at Alassane Ouattara University in Bouaké, where he earns a doctorate in Modern Letters, specializing in French Grammar and Linguistics.
Currently, Abraham Gbogbou serves as a teacher-researcher at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Abidjan. In addition to his academic career, he is also a dedicated and committed social worker. On a personal level, he is married and has one child.
Over the years, Abraham Gbogbou has published several works, some of which have become references in their field. These include "Lampedusa, contre vents et marées" (2019, L'Harmattan Editions) and "Les Éga, un peuple peu ou mal connu de Côte d'Ivoire" (2019, CERAP Editions). These books reflect his passion for literature and his desire to shed light on lesser-known aspects of Ivorian society.
As an author, teacher, and researcher, Abraham Gbogbou is deeply involved in promoting education, culture, and social well-being in Ivory Coast. His career and publications attest to his commitment to preserving Ivorian cultural heritage, disseminating knowledge, and defending human rights.
In conclusion, Abraham Gbogbou is a distinguished Ivorian writer and scholar whose work and literary contributions have significantly impacted culture and education in Ivory Coast. Through his teaching and writing, he continues to inspire and influence generations of students and readers, imparting not only valuable knowledge but also essential values such as respect, solidarity, and open-mindedness.